Sunday, March 2, 2008

Last Post on my First Book (FINALLY DONE XD~!!)

This is probably what people would have done first for their posts so I am doing this last to be a bit more unique :P. I present to you the characters of my book ^^;;.

Bill Masen: The main character of the story and is also the narrator. He is one a handful of people who still retains sight and has an expertise in triffids. In addition, he also has hands-on experience a triffid's sting, for he had been stung in his eyes before, but thanks to his friend's quick decision making skills, managed to keep the eyes in a state that was reversible. What is ironic is that because he sight was lost for a time because of the triffids, he managed to have sight later thanks to the triffids. He is a pretty flat charcter and doesn't change much throughout the story. Masen is also technically married to Josella Playton with technically adopted daughter Susan.

Josella Playton: She is the second main character of the story and is basically the heroine. She is an writer and has only had one book that actually was pretty successful. She does not have much experince with triffids but doesn't really need it for Bill Masen fills her on details about triffids she needs to survive. Josella also is one of the handful of people who still retains sight and is probably the most dynamic character in the book. It isn't hard to know what she is going to think is a particular situation and acts more so on impulse then numbers (opposite of Bill). She is technically married to Bill Masen and has a technically adopted daughter Susan.

Wilfred Coker: He is the mysterious character in the book and may be one of the smartest and most logical in the whole book (<-- this is what I think ^^;;). He teaches Bill more about people and to be more wary of who he's with. Although Coker and Bill does not get along when they first meet, they realize that the two of them are the only two who actually has some sense left among the sighted. He is the basically Bill Masen as close a friend anyone could have. Coker's street smarts and acceptance to truth keeps himself alive.