Sunday, March 2, 2008

5th Post on my First Book (Almost Done XD)

So now the question is, "If you can write an additional chapter at the end, what would you write about?"...

If I could write an additional chapter at the end then I would definitely end the book explaining what exactly happened to the main character for in the book it just finishes with a life goes on type ending which I was particularly disappointed with and the point that the main character and his group just ends up going to the Isle of Wight...
So my ending would either go two ways (I would first of all like to remove the fact that they went to the Isle of Wight so just keep this in mind when reading my ending):
If I was to write a happy ending, then I would say the main character and the rest of his group go off to some place where they find that there are no Triffids and find good people, thus the hope of reclaiming the earth as for humans becomes bright.
However if I was to write a sad ending for this book then it would go something like this: The main character and his group are continuing to look for a good place to settle down at, but then Josella Playton ends up getting stung by a triffids and passes away. The main character goes into shock and starts doubting himself and the hopes he once had, and when his guard was off he ends up getting stung by a triffid as well and the book ends with his last thought, "(something really cool and depressing that even I couldn't think of :P)"
And there you have it -what I would write if i could write an additional chapter for my book.